Friday, March 17, 2023

How to Grow Money Plant in Water

 Money plants are easy to grow, low-maintenance indoor plants that add a touch of greenery to any space. One of the easiest ways to grow a money plant is in water. Here's how you can do it:

money plant

Choose a healthy stem: Look for a stem with at least two or three leaves on it. Cut the stem about 4 to 6 inches below the leaves.

Prepare the stem: Remove the bottom leaves of the stem and trim any brown or damaged parts. You can also dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone to promote growth.

Place the stem in water: Fill a container with water and place the stem in it, making sure that the bottom of the stem is submerged in water. Change the water every week or so to prevent stagnation.

Provide light: Money plants need bright, indirect light to grow properly. Place the container near a window or under a grow light.

Wait for growth: Within a few weeks, you should start to see roots growing from the stem. Once the roots are about an inch long, you can transfer the plant to soil if desired.

How to Grow Money Plant Faster

If you want to speed up the growth of your money plant, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Provide more light: Money plants need plenty of bright, indirect light to grow quickly. If possible, move the plant to a sunnier spot or provide additional grow lights.

Increase humidity: Money plants thrive in humid environments. You can increase humidity by placing a tray of water near the plant or by misting it regularly.

Use a nutrient-rich soil: If you decide to transfer your money plant to soil, make sure to use a soil that is rich in nutrients. You can also add fertilizer to the water to provide extra nutrients.

How to Take Care of Money Plant

Watering: Money plants don't require frequent watering. Wait until the soil is dry to the touch before watering, and be sure not to overwater.

Pruning: Regular pruning can help your money plant stay healthy and promote growth. Trim any dead or yellowing leaves and pinch off any leggy stems to encourage fuller growth.

Pests: Money plants are generally resistant to pests, but they can be affected by mealybugs or spider mites. If you notice any pests, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and apply a natural insecticide if necessary.


Growing and caring for a money plant is easy and rewarding. By following these simple steps, you can grow a beautiful and healthy money plant in water, and speed up its growth with a few extra tips. Remember to provide plenty of light, humidity, and nutrients, and to water and prune your plant regularly. With a little bit of attention, your money plant can thrive for years to come.

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